Weeknight Date Night

Last night Greg and I went on a date and it was one of the most fun dates I've ever been on! It was awesome! A little while ago Greg and I were talking and I told him that I couldn't remember ever being asked out on a date over the phone. So what did he do? He asked me out over the phone. He is so cute! He planned for us to go to the Springville Art Museum and then make S'mores after. When we got to the museum we found out that they were having a big event for the opening of their new exhibit, Fantasia for Fall. There was a band playing jazz music, a lot of people, amazing art, fancy drinks, and the artists were there. One of the artists, Pilar Pobil, was from Spain and we got to talk to her! Greg was excited to speak proper Spanish with her. She's about 83-84 and just a little Spanish woman. I was amazed that a lot of her paintings were done as early as this year. Willamarie Huelskamp was another artist that was there. Her art was very modern which is not usually my style but I loved it. The whole night was amazing! After the museum we went home and made indoor S'mores and they came out perfectly. We just put the graham cracker down, put the chocolate on top and then the marshmallow. We put them on a pan in the oven at 400 degrees for about 4 minutes and then broiled for just a few seconds, until they were golden brown. They were perfectly cooked and soooo gooey and yummy! Now for picture overload...

There was also a sculpture garden there and it was awesome

Our fancy drinks, so yummy

The other artist there was Lee Cowan and his work was so amazing

This is from Willamarie Heulskamp. All her paintings had newspaper articles or invitations or map pieces, etc under the paint. It was awesome. I didn't get any of the frames in either, but they were really cool, the painting continued on to the frames.


This is a painting done by Pilar Pobil of a Pakistani girl that was shot trying to get on a bus to go to school. Pilar is a women's rights activist and painted this girl, she survived being shot.
This is Pilar's self portrait that has her view of Salt Lake out one window and a picture of Spain on the other side. She said she painted this because she felt like she was between two worlds.
Pilar Pobil with her younger self portrait
Our yummy, gooey S'mores and more fancy drinks. In case you can't tell, I love fancy drinks.


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