End of June

I can't believe that it's already July! June went so quickly. Last weekend was busy as usual but it was so fun! On Friday night we went up to Provo Canyon and had a little BBQ dinner and it was so much fun! We brought spice rubbed pork chops and tin foil fries and we just cooked them on one of the grills at the park. We also brought S'mores stuff and that was great. I always love S'mores! And every time I have them I think of The Sandlot of course. "How can I have some more if I haven't had any?" Love it! After dinner we went and walked the trail by Bridal Veil Falls and it was beautiful. It was quite a bit cooler up in the canyon which was so nice! I am already over this heat. It was nice to be able to get outside and have a great night with my sweet hubby!

On Saturday, I had a girl's day with my BFF Ashley! We live an hour away from each other and she has a busy little boy so it makes it hard to see each other often but when we do get together, we have so much fun! We had brunch (hash browns, turkey sausage, and mini baked donuts), fancy drinks (Ashley made virgin Margaritas and they were soooo good!), and facials. It was so great to catch up with her and be silly. Love this girl! Sadly my camera wasn't really working so the pictures are a little blurry...

That same afternoon was my cousin's baby shower. Kerstin is married to my cousin Gage and they are having a baby later this month! My mom, grandma, and I went to her baby shower. She is so cute! We are so excited for them!

That night Greg and I went to our friend Danielle's reception. Greg and I both knew her growing up and we're so happy for her! There were a lot of people we knew at the reception so it was great to catch up with so many people. By the end of the night, I was really tired, but it was such a fun day!

Us with Jonathan, Shannon, Cole, and Cheyanne!


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