July 4th

I love the 4th of July! It's so great to remember all that was sacrificed and is sacrificed in order for our freedom. I also feel like there is such a feeling of unity every year on the 4th. Everyone is proud to be American and that's what we look at on the 4th, not who is a Republican, not who is a Democrat, and I love that.

I had the 3rd off of work so we went to Lagoon with my family and we had a blast! It was super hot, but we had a great time! I wish I'd taken pictures, but I forgot because we were busy having fun. Near the end of the day I did start to feel a little sick because of the heat but after sitting in the shade and drinking a ton of water, I avoided getting really sick fortunately. That night I was exhausted, but it was too early to call it a night, so I played Michael Jackson with my mom and sister and we had so much fun!

On the 4th, Greg and I got up and went to the gym. It was hard to want to work out on a holiday and a Saturday, but we're trying to be healthier so we did it... After the gym I made a dessert to bring to dinner at Greg's parent's house. I made this Berry Bliss Cake and it turned out really well! I used blueberries instead of blackberries but everything else was the same. It was really easy and yummy.

We took some of the afternoon to just sit, Greg read a little and I took a nap. I was still so tired from Lagoon! Then we headed to Greg's parent's house for some celebration! We had a BBQ and did fireworks! It was a lot of fun to watch his siblings reactions to the fireworks. Again I wish I'd taken more pictures, but I didn't think about it until it was dark when we were doing sparklers, so the pictures weren't great...

It was a busy weekend, but it was so fun to spend time with family!


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