Jewelry Holder

Last time I got together with some girl friends for a craft day, my friend Ashley showed me a super cute jewelry holder she had made. I've had the same jewelry box for about 12 years and it was taking up too much room on my dresser, so I decided I would have to copy her and make a cute one like hers! I went to Home Depot and they had chicken wire like Ashley used, but they also had this stuff called Hardware Cloth. I found a smaller package of hardware cloth so I decided to go with that. At Hobby Lobby I picked up just a plain wooden frame and some cute knobs. Greg helped me use wire cutters to cut out enough hardware cloth to go in behind the frame. We tried to use staples to get the hardware cloth in, but our staple gun wouldn't work! So I used a lot, I mean a lot, of hot glue to stick it to the back of the frame. Then Greg drilled the holes at the bottom of the frame for me to screw in the knobs. I took some cute scrapbook paper and covered the frame in it. To finish it, I just used hot glue again to attach a ribbon to the back so I could hang it up on the wall. I love it! It didn't turn out quite as well as I wanted, but I still love it! Thanks Ashley for letting me steal your idea!


  1. It's so cute I love it! I can smell another craft day coming on :)


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