Day 3

Yesterday morning was really exciting for Greg!! He had a meeting with a professor that works at Boston College. Boston College is in Greg's top 3 (if not top choice) for grad school. On top of that, this professor he met with is one that he would want to work with so it was really great that he got to meet him! He gave Greg some great advice and even though he won't be part of the decision process this year, it doesn't hurt to know another (Greg has already met the PhD director there) professor there. We have no idea where life is going to take us in the next year, but these connections can't hurt! After Greg's meeting with him, we wanted to find a Sacrament meeting to attend. But the only English wards were during his meeting. We didn't feel like going to a Korean or Chinese ward which makes up half of the wards here! So we decided to be out in nature where we both feel close to God. I had read a lot about a park called Stanley Park, and had a couple friends recommend it to us so we decided to check it out. It is a huge park! We got out and hiked/walked around for a good hour or so. It was amazing! There was a nice big dirt path to follow and everywhere you looked were huge trees and bushes that were so green! And between gaps in the bushes, you could see the ocean. It was so beautiful! The sky was a clear blue, the temperature was perfect, and there were edible blackberries in bushes all along the way! Well we assumed they were edible because we saw a lot of people eating them. Greg braved trying some, I didn't though. After walking around, we got back in the car and drove through and around the park a couple of times. We drove past this amazing rose garden, through more green, and then to come back to our hotel we went over a huge bridge so we could see the water. It was incredible!

There was this awesome structure that we could walk out on to and be right over the water! 

We came back to the hotel and ate/rested for a bit before we decided what to do next. Greg did some research and found that there was this suspension bridge and park in the mountains not far from where we were staying. So we went to check it out! You know in adventure movies when they have to cross the swinging bridge that always breaks when they're on it? That's the kind of bridge this was! Except sturdier so no one fell to their death. It was incredible! We were about 50 meters in the air! Once we got to the other side, there were all these different walking and hiking paths. We loved walking around in there! It felt like a forest. There were streams and huge rocks to climb on. There were trees everywhere. It was incredible. If anyone is ever in Vancouver, go to the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge. You won't regret it! It was also really cool because in Utah, I feel like we have to drive for a while before we are IN the mountains, but to get to Lynn Canyon, we were just driving in a neighbourhood and then bam! We were in the woods! It was kind of crazy actually! After a lot of walking, we headed back to the car. It was an incredible day!

The bridge! It was very bouncy/swingy and definitely got the adrenaline going

Peeking over the bridge to the bottom

One of the paths we were on. The trees were crazy tall! Here is the bottom of the tree to the middle...

And the middle to the top!

It was so green! Everywhere here is so green! I am in love!

The river/rock bed we played in for a bit.

The only thing to make it better was a trip to Tim Horton's! We shared a hot chocolate and a box of Tim Bits (aka donut holes). I love Time Bits! We got some of every kind they had, chocolate, glazed, honey dip (amazing!), cinnamon sugar, and salted caramel (also amazing!). I was pretty tired after all our adventuring and I slept great last night! Can't believe today is our last day here!


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