Day 4 and Coming Home

Our last day in Vancouver was busy! Greg was in presentations most of the day, so I spent most of the day running errands and packing so we'd be ready to go the next morning. Greg got some great ideas and loved the presentations he was at. After his last one, we went to Tim Horton's for one last trip. Let me just say that maple donuts in the states have nothing on those maple donuts. We had a few minutes left on our meter so we went and walked down by the water for one last time.

We had some time after to go back to the hotel so Greg could pack some of his stuff up. At dinner time, we decided to go downtown to a pub for dinner. We went to this place called The Warehouse. It was a really cool little bar! It was a converted garage and played great music all night. All the food was only $5 which was awesome! We both ended up getting the same burger and fries. And ginger ale, can't do a trip to Canada without some good ol' Canada Dry!

After dinner, Greg went back to the Convention Center for a party where he could meet lots of people at Michigan. After that there was an ice cream party for BYU alumni and students. BYU has alumni all over the country so Greg got to meet a ton of people! It was an awesome experience for him. That was just what he needed to get ready for applying for grad school. He got lots of advice and met a lot of people so hopefully he will be more than a name on a paper when he applies. After that we went and got a slurpee while he told me all about his night. I am so proud of him! He is so brilliant.

I really didn't want to leave, but all good things must come to an end I guess. We got up early, packed up the car and left. It was a short drive to the border but we still had hours and hours to go.

The very friendly, American sign at the border
The drive was uneventful until we hit Boise. And then a light came on the dash in the car. I started panicking because of all the lights we've had come on in our cars, it never turns out well. We quickly looked in the manual to see what was wrong and it was just the transmission over heating. All we had to do was pull over, put the car in neutral, and let it cool down. No big deal! We were definitely blessed. I got very upset in Boise because we got out of the car and it was 100 degrees! Do you know how horrible it is go from 60-70 degree weather to 100 degree weather?? In Vancouver it felt like fall was right around the corner and I was getting excited for sweaters, hot chocolate, football, etc. And then we had to come home and I realized we still have summer left... But nothing I can do about it! We kept driving and everything was fine until we got to UT at point of the mountain. It was midnight and the traffic was awful. The construction going on meant there was only one lane open for a good while and it was so slow going. After 15 hours in the car, any delay will just add to your tiredness and irritation. The last 20 miles home went slower than the previous 100 miles. But we finally made it home! After bringing everything in, we slept for a good 9 hours with no interruption. It was amazing! I took today off work as well when I requested my vacation days because I knew it'd be nice to unpack, do laundry, run errands, and sleep without an alarm to wake me up. That is truly the best feeling! I am sad to be back in the heat, but I am glad that we had so much fun while we were gone. We had so much fun spending so much time together, exploring, hiking, eating new foods, shopping, networking (Greg), everything was amazing. It's times like these that I am so glad I am married. I love that I get to go on all these adventures with my favourite person in the world.


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