The Drive and Day 1

I have been so excited for our trip to Vancouver this summer! A few months ago, we knew Greg was going to be going to a conference in Vancouver and that he's be presenting at it with the professor he works with. We knew it'd be an expensive trip, but what a great opportunity for Greg! We've been married for over 2 years and have spent every night together since we got married and we weren't ready for that streak to be over, so we decided to make it a vacation! For me at least haha! After the membership fee for the conference, the registration fee for the conference, and the fact that hotels are crazy expensive in Vancouver, we weren't sure if I'd actually be able to go. But driving was still cheaper than flying so we said, "What the heck?! We'll just save like crazy and make it work!" So we did! We planned, researched, and all the while I just got more and more excited! Finally it was time to pack, get a couple hours of sleep that kept getting interrupted by my brain saying, "Did you get this? Did you plan for this? What if this happens?" and finally start driving early yesterday morning! We prayed before we left and Greg prayed that we would make the trip safely and not have any car problems. He knows I was really stressed about our car making the trip. There is nothing wrong with our car, in fact it's new and was just inspected, but with our terrible luck with cars, I was convinced something would happen! We thankfully made it to Vancouver with no car problems! We'll definitely be praying nothing happens on the way home too! The drive was really fun! Greg and I talked, laughed, and listened to Harry Potter (almost done the 5th book! Whoo!). Everything was absolutely perfect, having fun and making good time, but then! Out of no where, Greg sneezed. His sneezes are never the big, loud "ACHOOS!", but more like a very violent "SHOO!" of air coming out. So when we're driving in the car and out of no where he sneezes like that, of course I have no choice but to think that we blew a tire. I know, I know, it sounds paranoid, but I promise I'm not paranoid! Early in our drive while Greg was sleeping, I saw a car get a flat tire, just like that *snap*! on the freeway! So of course I thought the same thing happened to us. I jumped about a foot in the air when Greg sneezed and was really panicked. Greg laughed at me for about 15 minutes. There he was just driving on the freeway laughing so hard he was crying, which of course made me laugh super hard even though I was trying to be mad at him for laughing at my fear, but it's so hard to be mad at him! He's too cute! Even though his sneezes sound like I'm losing a tire. We kept laughing about it until the border, and even after the border, we kept bringing it up and laughing. That is one way I know I married the right guy for me. Side note, if you are planning a trip to Seattle or a trip where you have to go through Seattle, avoid going through at rush hour at any cost! It takes 1 hour to go 10 miles. Ew.

Today Greg got up early to go to the start of the conference. I stayed at the hotel so I could sleep since I didn't sleep much the night before or at all on the drive.I must be getting old though because sleeping in now means that I wake up at about 8 or 8:30 if I'm lucky. I felt like I should get up and do something, but I was tired and this is my vacation dang it! So I stayed in bed and read for about 2 hours. It was glorious! After getting ready for the day, Greg and I went to lunch together. We both decided we wanted to try some really good seafood while we were here because hello, the ocean is right there. We went to Joe Fortes Seafood and Chophouse. I did some research and knew that this was like THE seafood place in Vancouver. The atmosphere was really cool! It felt like stepping back into the early 1900's. Loved it! And the food... Oh the food... Our waitress brought us some warm bread and lobster oil for dipping. Lobster oil sounded bizarre, but it was actually really good! Greg ordered the steel head trout that came with an herb beurre blanc, perfectly seasoned and roasted potatoes, and delicious veggies. I got the grilled fish duo which was a fat, crispy, juicy piece of halibut and a perfectly grilled piece of trout. I had the same potatoes and veggies Greg got. Oh it was so good! We decided that since we'd already gone big on lunch, we'd just go ahead and add dessert too. Why not?! So we shared Tahitian Vanilla Creme Brulee. This creme brulee was perfect. The custard was extra creamy and vanilla-y and the brulee was so good! It was also exciting to see the little flecks of black from the vanilla bean caviar. There was a little biscotti cookie on the side and that was also delish! We were very happy. And full. When we got out of the restaurant, we could see the water from where we were so we decided to walk a couple blocks to the water. The weather was perfect and it was so pretty! I am loving it here! Except the traffic. It took us wayyy too long to get back to our hotel. Yikes. But I am still excited to have a few more days to explore!

My beautiful fish

Creme Brulee

Outside the Convention Center


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