Graduation Weekend!

Greg and I started dating not long after he got home from his mission and he started school just a couple of months later. Almost our whole relationship he has been in school at BYU. And now, he's done! It's so exciting and weird! Graduation weekend was a crazy busy weekend but it was really fun! And strange. But mostly fun.

On Thursday, my cousin got married. Yay! We love weddings! So we got up early Thursday morning to get up to the Bountiful temple for their ceremony. It was a great ceremony and they are so in love!

Here's Jacoby and Abby after the ceremony

Us outside the temple

Of course, it couldn't be a perfect weekend. Greg started to feel a cold on Wednesday and definitely had a cold Thursday. So after the ceremony we stopped at the pharmacy before going to the luncheon. After getting him some medicine, we came out to the car, feeling fine, and then... Not so fine. I was walking around to my side of the car when the world started to turn. I started falling sideways and I tried so hard to stay upright. I fell into the car next to us and Greg had to help me get into the car. It didn't feel like low blood sugar but my mom thought that might be it so Greg went and bought me some snacks before we drove downtown for the luncheon. The snacks didn't really help and I still couldn't really walk by myself. Awesome haha. The luncheon was still really great. It was at the Grand America and it was beautiful and super fancy! There was sooo much food. A couple different salads, fruit, salmon, steak, chicken, soup, 3-4 different kinds of bread, and creme brulee and a fruit crisp. Yummy! I felt a little better after lunch but still not great. We went and hung out at my parent's house until the reception. Greg napped and I played games with the family. The reception was also downtown at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. It was a great reception! We didn't stay for the whole time because I still wasn't feeling great and neither was Greg. We had an early night to get ready for graduation the next day!

Friday was convocation. We got to the Marriott Center early but not early enough. I didn't even get a seat in the middle section more than an hour before the ceremony! Crazy. It was a long hour before the ceremony started and then it was a looong ceremony. Greg's major was like the second to last one so there was a lot of waiting before his name got called. But finally it was his turn! Afterwards we took some pictures and then went to get lunch.

Greg and I still weren't feeling great so after lunch we went home and watched The Office for about 3-4 hours. We're so exciting right? At about 7 we finally ventured out to go take some pictures in front of the BYU sign. 

And finally at 8 we were ready for dinner. We went to one of our favourite Italian restaurants, Oregano Italian Kitchen. Greg got salmon with pesto gnocchi and I got coconut mango shrimp pasta. Everything was delicious! For dessert we shared the cheesecake. It was a Chinese five spice mango caramel sauce on it which was out of this world good. Loved it! 

On Saturday, we were just getting ready for the graduation party I was throwing. We went up to my parent's early so we could see my aunt, uncle and cousins. We played some games with them before they left. Always a good time! We spent most of the afternoon watching The Office (we're hooked right now, can't you tell?) and getting food together for the party. We had our Disneyland group of friends, and our friends the Berry's come. I'm sad I didn't get any pictures of the people that came. But I got pictures of the food we made so that's what really counts! Haha... I made a wedge salad skewer with a roasted garlic vinaigrette(I left the eggs out), bruschetta skewers with a balsamic glaze, herbed lemon chicken and veggie skewers and chocolate dipped orange biscottie cookies. I also made sparkling honey limeade to drink. Everything turned out well and we had a ton of fun with everyone! 

After such a crazy weekend and both of us not feeling great, Greg still wasn't feeling well, we decided to sleep in Sunday and go to Church a little later. Church was good, especially after enough sleep! We came home and cleaned up a little. The rest of the day was spent watching House Hunters International and napping. We both really needed that down day. Plus we love House Hunters International! For dinner we made Paella for Greg! He thinks he's Spanish so he was loving it! We made some chicken and onions to go in it. We want to be a little more traditional next time and make shrimp to go with it. But it was still really good! I made garlic bread to go with it because we needed to use up our French bread and because I was hoping the garlic would help Greg kick his cold. It was delicious! It was a great ending to a great (ish?) weekend!


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