Camping in the Whites

A couple of weekends ago we took our first camping trip since moving to Boston. We went with our friends, Caitlyn and Steven, to the White Mountains. We both got up there Friday night and fortunately we got our tent set up before the rain started. I got hardly any sleep that night thanks to the rain keeping me up all night. The next morning though was clear so we were able to take the easy hike to the cute little town center about a mile away. The hike was beautiful! It was right along a river and then it opened to almost a lake outside the town. There was a beach and everything. We had dressed warmly thinking it was supposed to be cold and rainy all day but it was a beautiful day! We took some time walking through the little shops and stopped to have a pizza for lunch at one of the restaurants. After lunch it started to look a little more grey so we stopped and got some charcoal, figuring the wood would all be wet, and walked back to our campsite. We got some naps in and enjoyed sitting in the hammock for a little. Out of nowhere a down pour started so we had to take refuge in the car for a bit. We had enough time without rain to get our dinners cooked and then the rain started again. I really wanted to do s'mores and starbursts over a fire so I was keeping my fingers crossed that the rain would clear up enough to get a fire going. The rain finally ended and thanks to Greg's super hard work and the charcoal we got, we were able to keep a fire going! I had another sleepless night that night and was glad to be packing up in the morning. We had a ton of fun, but on no sleep and being dirty, I was ready to go home. It was one of the most fun and most terrible camping camping trips ever haha everything was wet, we were exhausted, and we had to get home and cleaned up in time to get to nursery, but we still had so much fun despite all that! It was beautiful and cheap! After seeing how cheap apartments were to buy up there I was trying to convince Greg we should move there, I mean what's a 2 hour commute each way when you're saving $1,200 a month in rent?


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