Universal Studios 2017

I was so excited to go to Harry Potter World! We slept in a little which was awesome and then my parents picked us up and we enjoyed the scenic drive to LA (total sarcasm, LA is not scenic). Compared to Disneyland, Universal was CHAOS. The "line" to get in was just a crowd of people and there weren't any signs saying which lines were for which tickets. It was kind of a disaster and didn't give me a very good impression at first. But we got to take a picture in front of the Universal earth so that was pretty cool.

We finally got in and were pointed in the right direction to get our front of the line passes that my parents had got for all of us.

The front of the line pass means you get to skip the line basically once for every ride. We headed first for the Universal Studios Tour and we felt like celebrities getting to walk right on and be right at the front of the bus too!

The Studio Tour was awesome! We got to drive by/through movie sets and stages where they film TV shows and movies. But the coolest parts were when they would drive us into these huge buildings and we'd put on our 3D glasses and all the lights would go out and then the screens all around us that we didn't know were there came to life. We were in the middle of a King Kong v. TRex fight and in the middle of a Fast and Furious highway chase! Plus we got to experience the movie magic for an earthquake and flash flood. We saw Norman Bates from Psycho and Jaws. It was a blast.

This wrecked airplane cost a ton of money to transport and only made it in a few minutes of screen time

Walking off the tour we saw Hogwarts!!

First glimpse we got of Hogwarts

I wanted to head straight there next, but Rem and Payton wanted to do another ride. We walked right through all the Simpsons stuff so we did that ride next. None of us even watch the Simpsons so all the stuff they had wasn't as cool to us as it probably was for a lot of people. For the ride you go into this room and get into a cart that gets brought up and there are screens all around, just like on the studio tour. The few seconds I saw of the ride looked pretty cool, but I get motion sick really easily so I clenched my eyes shut and tried not to throw up almost from the moment the ride started. It was like a 3D roller coaster and that's just not for me. After the ride I felt terrible, and apparently looked terrible too because then Rem and Payton agreed to go eat in Harry Potter World with us. I wasn't going to let a little motion sickness stop me from enjoying the first sights of Harry Potter World so we stopped to get pictures before heading to the Three Broomsticks.

My dad caught this great moment haha!
Then we headed straight for The Three Broomsticks because I was still pretty sick. We waited in a huge line but once we got inside I didn't mind the line so much because it was so cool in there!

Greg and I shared the fish and chips and a butterbeer. The butterbeer was so good and such a cool experience thing, but it was $7 so we only got the one. My family shared the great feast and had enough food to share some with us too. That came with chicken and ribs for each person, salad, potatoes, corn on the cob and veggies. By far the best value on the menu, there was so much food! After lunch we headed to Hogwarts to ride the Forbidden Journey. The regular line was 180 minute wait I think and even the front of the line pass line looked long, but from when we walked on to when we walked off the ride it was only about 20 minutes. And this was the coolest line ever! We walked through the castle and I was freaking out! Every detail was there. It was pretty dark in there so I didn't get the best pictures but it was seriously cool.

The Forbidden Journey was by far the coolest ride I have ever been on and by far the most sick I have ever been from a ride, worse than the Simpsons ride. You get strapped in to a seat, kind of like The Bat at Lagoon in Utah, and it takes you on this crazy adventure, playing in a Quidditch match, facing Aragog and the other spiders, meeting dementors, etc. It was amazing! I had to close my eyes for the Quidditch match but everything else was so cool. Even others in our group felt a little sick after the ride because it is super fast and super jerky. The ride stopped right at the end for just a minute but because of that they said we could go on it again. My mom, Payton and I skipped that because we all were feeling the ride, but the boys all went on it again and loved it. We went and sat outside to recover while we waited for them. A few of the group went to check out the other little ride they have there after they got done Forbidden Journey again, but everyone agreed it wasn't that great of a ride. We took some time just to check out the shops and drink in the magical details everywhere. In one of the stores, a Gryffindor employee asked us some trivia questions which I crushed thank you very much. Greg and I bought pumpkin juice to try and Greg liked that one even more than the butterbeer. It was really good! It was like apple juice a little bit, but there were pumpkin notes and it had some spices in it too, really delicious. We were going to come back that night for the light show at Hogwarts so we decided we'd wait to buy our souvenirs until then so we wouldn't have to carry them around. I loved Harry Potter World but now I just really want to go to the big one in Orlando!

We headed to the lower level where a few of the bigger rides were. I was still not feeling great and didn't want to tempt fate by going on more rides so I sat Jurassic Park, The Mummy and Transformers out. Everyone agreed that Transformers was the best one, almost as good as The Forbidden Journey. My mom sat out for The Mummy with me and she and Greg both sat out for Jurassic Park since they didn't want to get wet. Payton sat out Transformers with me too. It all worked out really well because then people could use my front of the line pass to go on some of the rides again and I just got to recover haha. We ate dinner upstairs and did the Shrek ride and the Walking Dead haunted house. Greg and I don't watch The Walking Dead so I didn't want to do that, but my dad said it was like Haunted Mansion, so I was thinking it was like a little, easy going ride so I agreed. Greg tried to warn me but I didn't listen to him. It was horrific, like really bad. I grabbed Greg's hand on one side and my mom's on the other (she doesn't like scary stuff either) and we crouched behind the group in front of us and sped walked outta there so fast. Not my cup of tea for sure. Rem and Payton went on Jurassic Park like 3 more times or something haha and we got to see the raptor out! Some of the little kids were really freaking out when the raptor came out and I can't blame them! She was larger than life.

We headed back to Harry Potter World to get our souvenirs and get ready for the light show at Hogwarts. The light show was so cool! The whole show is here on YouTube. It was a great way to end the night.


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