The Wedding Day

Every girl waits a lifetime for that one special day and I can't help but post all about it!  It was so perfect and I hope everyone gets a chance to have a day like that.  The day is March 28th and there is a lot to be done.  Pictures to print, nails to get done, family to see, last minute details checked, etc.  My cousin Jessica was also going through the temple that night for the first time so that she could be in the sealing room when Greg and I were sealed.  It was wonderful to go through the temple for my second time with her and know that she could be there for the wedding.  It was a bit stressful as a session takes two hours and there was still lots to be done.  We got done at the temple at about nine thirty and when we got home I found that my brother hadn't picked up the disc with our pictures on it like I asked him too.  At ten o'clock the night before I got married I had to drive 20 minutes to pick up the disc!  Then when I went to print them, the disc reader wasn't working!  I tried another place and the same thing happened.  I went home and hurried and put the pictures on a flash drive and rushed back to print them.  Finally 9at about 1 in the morning I was able to get ready for bed and be able to get about six hours of sleep (I need a good 8 hours to not be too grouchy).  I woke up and it was here!!  The 29th of March!  The day I'd been waiting for.  I was so excited and ready to go.  Jessica was able to spend the night with me and it was really great to have that time with just her and me.  We got to the temple and Greg was looking pretty nervous.  Oh he was so cute.  He calmed when he saw me and after a beautiful ceremony, we were married!  We took some beautiful pictures outside the temple thanks to our photographer, Ashley Swatsell.  I apologize in advance for all the pictures, usually I don't like pictures of myself that much but Ashley did a great job and I loved all the pictures.

                                                                   The whole family
                                                                        The Larsens
                                                                      The Larsen Siblings
                                                                 Jessica, me, Ashley
                                                                          The Fetzers


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