The End of a Crazy Month

This last weekend of January was very welcome for us. January was so busy and emotional and anxiety filled and fun and just crazy. I'm not sorry to move into a new month that's for sure! This last weekend was filled with friends, family, and delicious food but it was a go, go, go weekend all weekend. Friday after work we went to my cousin Gage's house for dinner. His mom flew in from Oklahoma for the weekend and it was great to see her after a few months of not seeing her! Gage and his family are so cute!! His baby, Nixon is just adorable. We have so much fun with them!

Isn't he just the cutest?! Carmen was in Heaven meeting her grandbaby for the first time!

I love to play with him!

After dinner Aunt Carmen came with us to my grandparent's house so we could sit with my grandpa for a bit. Greg and I really wanted to start watching Lord of the Rings after that, but after a late night grocery store run, we were too tired. Bummer. Saturday morning I got up and made Stuffed French Toast and then we ventured into the snow storm to go help Shannon and Jonathan move into their house! It was so cold moving in the snow! I've never done that before. Good thing we like them! Saturday night we had a family dinner at my grandma's house. We had almost the whole family there! We were just missing my two cousins in Oklahoma. My Uncle Ben did some winter grilling for us. Everything was delicious!! We had a blast with all the family! And it was exciting because my cousin, Jacoby and his girlfriend, Abbie just got engaged! So excited for them! We took pictures of each family with my grandparents which was great. After we got home that night we started Lord of the Rings. We couldn't finish because we have early church, but we started! I love those movies!

Another exciting note of the weekend was Remington texting me and telling me he dove head first into a snow bank and split his head on a rock! He's doing well thankfully but he had to get 6 staples in the head!



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