Haircuts and Hockey

I constantly go between cutting my hair shoulder length, growing it out because I miss my long hair and then cutting it again because I miss my short hair. I'm sure I'll do that again at some point in my life, but I just cut 13 inches off my hair and it feels amazing! I also cut Greg's hair for him and it's shorter than it's been in about 2 years. He of course looks so cute with his haircut!

Before and after
Lots of changes/exciting things have happened this month so far and haircuts are the least exciting probably. This last weekend I got to go to my first hockey game! I know, I must be a bad Canadian/Norwegian to have gone almost 23 years without going to a hockey game, but it's remedied now! My mom got tickets from work to go to a Grizzlies game so Greg and I went with her and my dad and it was so much fun! It went into overtime and the Grizzlies ended up winning so it was a really exciting first game! We had a blast!

Us at the game, and look at how cute Greg is with his shorter hair!


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